Four Green Griffith Partners Recognized as 2020 Life Sciences Stars

LMG Life Sciences has selected Bob Green, Chris Griffith, Caryn Borg-Breen and Jeff Ward as 2020 Life Sciences Stars.

Green, Griffith & Borg-Breen is pleased to announce that partners Bob Green, Chris Griffith, Caryn Borg-Breen and Jeff Ward have been named Life Sciences Stars in General Patent Litigation and Hatch-Waxman Litigation by LMG Life Sciences for 2020. Bob, Chris and Caryn have been named to the list previously. This is Jeff’s first recognition as a Life Sciences Star.

LMG Life Sciences is the definitive guide to leading North American law firms and lawyers specialized in the life sciences industry. The guide highlights firms that specialize in Regulatory, Intellectual Property, Financial & Corporate and Non-IP Litigation and Enforcement, and recognizes the work of outstanding individuals through their Life Sciences Stars list.

The rankings are determined by examining recent casework and representative matters, peer feedback and client feedback.

View the 2020 LMG Life Sciences guide here.

