Panel to address strategic considerations when coordinating your patent litigation
Green Griffith Partner Emer Simic will moderate a panel at the Managing IP International Women’s Leadership Forum on Thursday, September 12 at the Westin Chicago River North. The panel will delve into strategic considerations when coordinating patent litigation, including key areas to consider when challenging the validity of patents at PTAB and tips for handling and overcoming venue challenges post-T.C. Heartland.
The International Women’s Leadership Forum is an interactive one-day forum that will focus on U.S. and international IP developments and provides women in IP an opportunity to network and learn from industry thought leaders. It welcomes newly admitted lawyers, associates, partners, legal counsel through senior in-house counsel and providing professional development opportunity for the next generation of women leaders.
“As a partner at a majority women owned intellectual property law boutique firm, I am thrilled to take part in the Women’s Leadership Forum in Chicago and look forward to informative and lively discussions focused on the latest developments in IP law with my co-panel members and other attendees,” Emer said.
Members of the panel Emer will moderate include Linda Friedlieb, senior counsel at AbbVie and Rekha Hanu, chief IP counsel at Akorn Pharmaceuticals.
For more information about the Forum or to register, please click here.
Learn more about Emer here.